The actions, the moves that simply grooves
The glimpse, the glance that I was enhanced
D simple looks for me you brought
The thing that really I need a growth
I stared and dared and really cared
But someone seemed to be unaware
Behind the light a cute face blooms
To envy, to jealous to seek a groom
Interaction develops as it must be
Between to lovers as far as the sea
But skies is staring as if won't be
To push to limits a lover's plea
React, contradict, detract and revoke
Some friends and peers seemed sound aloof
Two lovers assumed as if unguilty
Pretending, assuming each ones's tranquility
But suddenly a test has attacked them forcely,
Tranquility, serenity leads to melancholy
Measuring, judging but not humiliating
Two valiant lovers fight for their parting
In the middle of nowhere comes a troublemaker
Trying, creating a mess between lovers
But lovers still steady and stand they are ready
Preparing, equipping their weapons to set free....