Corrupt minds.

Okay, unadmitted but emitted, tears shedded, families broke, uncontrollable disease, contagious upon us all. Will-power tested, tested to its most, can you resist the words the devil spoke? 


Heavy words, swallowed truth, it could be worse? Or is it proof? Proof we can't control the evil we live with. Can't pull through, got to come back-Take a deep breath, face the facts. Silence the voices, look up to the sky. Where do want to go when you die? To the dark or to the light. Is the sight of the light to bright? Living in the darkness it may be nice, but forever is a really long time.

Yes we're being tested, yes we're protected. But where you wanna go if you died? Well I guess that's up to you to decide.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

My first poem, dedicated to those that relate. Thanks I guess. Feel free to comment opinions or improvements

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