





The person i know who is closest to being as Jeffrey Wigand is my dad, because of several reasons. The first reason is because they are both dads, fathers, parents or whatever you call it, they both have children which is a big coincidence. They both have wifes (or had as Jeffrey Wigand got divorced almost at the end of the movie). So they both have a family, which is not very common… Another person who could be similar to Jeffrey Wigand would be an uncle of mine who people call abuelo cruz, i think his name is Javier Cruz. My uncle used to play for Mexico national football team like 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 years ago, because he is now old so he dosent play anymore. One thing he did that is similar to Jeffrey Wigand is that a long time ago when Mexico was playing for a spot in the world cup, Mexico needed to win vs Canada and they were tied until very late in the game and my uncle broke his leg in the game when Mexico was out of subs, i think so, because he kept playing, so in the last minutes of the game a guy passed him the ball and he scored even with his leg broken. So Mexico got to go to the world cup (but not him because he got his leg broken and i belive that hurt very very very very much) and that way i think they are similar.


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