Simple things

If only,

If only I had you,

If only I was close to you,

If only I shared both those negative

and positive flames with you,

If only I could hold you, touch you,

feel you ooohhhh so deep

both physically and mentally,

reaching limits of which both

the soul and mind can't reach;

If only we shared these same feelings,

If only you weren't only in my dreams,

If only I could speak the way

you inspire me to write.... about you,

pin point each thing I like in

you but through words make it

something every one can feel, relate

to and know its real, bcuz they are

from my heart and my words don't lie...

If only walks with you on warm breezy days

happened as much as rainy days on the phone,

If only the words "4-EVER - U + Me"

carved on a tree, represented you + me,

instead we must plant the seed,

allow our love to grow and flourish

and carve out our love in time

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