
My past is but a memory

I am not who I used to be

Life has changed me...

More than I imagined possible

I used to be a child

Oblivious to anything life had to offer

...what life would hand me wanted or not

I've taken it

Grasped it with a firm fist

Let life sink into my skin and teach me

Let it fill me with wisdom and knowledge

Let me live

And I have

I have experienced the best

And unfortunatley the worst

More often I feel as though it has been unfair

Why me, I ask myself

Why was it I who suffered the brokeness of a family

Why is it I who feels she's thrown so much away

Can that change to?

One would hope....I hope

So much has gone wrong

So much I could cry about

So much to wish away

But haven't I been given so much?

There was a time I felt detarched from the rest of the world

Until I realized how much I have

A family that has overcome obstacles

Strong, lasting friendships


An open heart and mind

I may not be perfect

Maybe life isn't either

But it's life

And it's taught me so much

I like who I am

The person I have grown to be

I'd like to forget my former self

Leave her only as a memory

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