i woke thinking?

i woke thinking about the people in my life that had passed on. where did they go? did they go to heaven? or did some they go to hell? i started thinking of something i heard a long time ago. that you cannot stop of energy but energy can only change. so lets take electricity for example, you turn on a light switch & electricity runs through a wire, this is change, it reaches the light bulb & ignites a filament it gets hot & bright, this is change. as you turn off the light the change is still there though the heat it generated, this heat does not go away it is dispersed into the surroundings. so when i think about these people that passed, i think of the energy they possess & it cannot just go away. the energy changes but doesn't go away. gasses are formed. some of these gasses could be contained & carry enough energy to blow up huge buildings. but these gasses are usually dispersed into our surroundings. nutrients are created & give life to billions of creatures some you could see some so small you cannot. these nutrients are dispersed into the ground witch will eventually end up in some form of plant life. after all this, the plant life through time will convert into fossil fuels. fossil fuels are indeed more energy. we are the same energy that was created by the big bang. so every one who passes are still here with us and will never really go away. so maybe we are in heaven that's why i try to be my best & live out each day. i like the heaven i live in.

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