When ice crystals are falling in soft, white flakes
And layers of water are frozen in place
Clouds touch the ground in appearance of smoke
The street lights turn on, christmas has spoke.
Inside the homes where the aromas escape
Feast are prepared and turkeys are baked
Pies are filled and pastries are iced
Eggnogs are poored and breads are sliced.
Smiles are warming as family arrives
Ignoring the coldness
And the long distant drives
All sit down to a cup of great cheer
Giving their thanks that Christmas is here.
Making a memory of this time of year
By dancing and laughing and having a beer
Children reunite and play in the snow
New couples first kiss under fresh mistletoe.
Exchanging of gifts to sum up the day
All sit down to their family buffet
A prayer is then said for another great year
Then feast to the sound of soft Christmas cheer.