It was a Saturday somehwat, except I happened to be hard at work, and while I was plowing in the field among the cows, a bristling premonition hit me hard. So far the farm has been going fine, but when we woke and sipped our coffees together on the portico, pretty damn satisfied with our lives, in a storm of more more MORE WORDS my dear Van summoned me to speak. Did I speak properly? every FUCKING word that came out of me seemed criminal ambition, and why she cheered slobbering all over her blueberry muffin God. Tell me to stop. No. Honey I can't breathe. The phone starts ringing. Are you gonna answer that call? Nope nope leave me alone. I splashed the remaining coffee on her expression dumbfounded turnd stupid and the blouse her grandmother passed away. I went away, past Griswell drunk out on the fat flour sacks and out. The sun was hot especially for this time of year. It kind of hurt, piercing deeply like needles each cell. You could somehow hear the dirt screeching like the horses we buried

there's nothing righteous about me, nor to stand for the screaming horses being blazed in that fire, being burned alive

I raise my beer it is mine

It don't matter anymore. Things exist because they lean towards the spoil as though things were just a tree really. But c'mon. We can't continue like this. Be my mistress and never look back, I told a creature when I was much younger that we people don't fathom events in the same manner of your ancestors, and she begged, begged me to return to my vows from ChurchWorld things might burn in her presence whether or not she cares about announcing earning my trust belted cross my chest stubbled from her butchery of my body c'mon

the two winners of this race- gold and silver laced- will compete for a finale on the first month of next. If you the personality persisting in the crowd VIA poison from the potions we serve here wish to wonder again who the victor depends on some special merchandise brought by ship overseas then grant me the luxury of lathering these luscious female frequencies with oil of your own kind it is good.

Are you curious to know that whatever happens next isn't a breath of my own but don't you feel well at home today on this fine day made for brothers and sisters alike to sit in? I stole her soul I, I was the one who stole her soul intricate missed in this hardship of we shared entities everlasting in such minimal efforts of strife, make it right!

LIKE CHRIST the perfect pitch doesn't fit in to this plight of being not much creepy I am credible flickflick flick pose with that sweet spine serpentine between endless entrance your arched spine soothes the man's eyesight eager to please please bedroom magnificence under silken sheets aren't we seething with our own emotions twain together forever in the dead of a trillion little nights, darling?

Now apparently my words are misleading c'mon follow along

Author's Notes/Comments: 

salt, pepper, turmeric powder

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