F-graded essay (Faulkner)



Unleash the geese there was a lightning storm last night with the thunder cracking through heaven’s nerve and opening the sky from a tremendous problem of what should we do next? There’s a problem with our servant’s heart she became a robot a while ago when she decided it wouldn’t serve her purpose of the storm, and the storm shouted at me down from the wrinkled source of something I couldn’t see properly it wasn’t my fault although many times when she appeared in the moonlight before that happened in the moonlight


She came trotting down the slope her hair cut loose untethered without a saddle from the slope like a sanctioned space where the crickets lay frail and vibrating upon a fake puddle reflected from the sun ever without anyone there to stop her spectrum of all false feelings abated in her mouth was a dead cricket and I said to her Mr Cricket said why did you lay down in the grass unyielding to the premise that is not what one cares to name I am the same


Molecules throttled forth in the vortex of upended uncertainties when the land will suck your family blood money out roaring summertime whimsy, Whopper Street signs pass through slight unceasing notions was never nuanced to feed a brain whose woman is insane, rage on in lush rolling meadows with a tractor do I care to stop with a sopping mop flicking rotten droplets there 


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