

There is a one-armed God, far in our

Stratosphere; His Name is Hindus, whose

Perpetually predicating fine personas

Around-about you... You laugh you lose!!


My wallet is a flappy dapper


Booming thunder is tremendous in twilight

But mind the lightening...

Be sure to put your buckets

Beneath the peachy trees


Blank night, perfumed

Solid gray skyline, pulsing neon city

Traffics' trucks halting

As the diamonds pelt down

down, down to the ground!


All step out of their vehicle

From the sudden attack

Of creatures from another world.

They freeze instantaneously,

Phones frazzled, frizzle fried,

Hearts give a final good-bye,

Dread debts finally left dead,

hushed to the happenstance.

We sigh heavy sighs inside, and then die...


by Pungus 

(PS It is I)


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Drivin’ that train, high on cocaine!

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