

Samantha decided, in her wisdom, to give Galvin a tour of the premises. It’s okay not to go into much detail right now, because certain scenes in relevance will reveal themselves accordingly as the timeline develops. Though, we are familiar with a handful of the facility’s features; there is a room of respective cots, there is a labyrinth of echoing oyster hallways, there is Zentrik’s boring office, and there is the peculiar pantry with the gaudy pink aura and the window that views the launchpad. While they toured, it was much to Galvin’s astonishment that the mansion was basically empty. He then remembered the profusion of engineers working outside and realized that they will probably be the people he may soon cherish as his crew.


When they finished the tour, nearing the bedchamber, Samantha said, “Why don’t you have a siesta— Surely you must be tired. I will awaken thee when Zen has the freedom to chat."


“Yes Mam, thank you,” Galvin said and saluted. Then he went and found the bed that he had used the night previous, slid between the sheets, laid flat on his back, and stared up at the mattress above. He finally rested his eyes, his mind, and fell asleep.


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  'Yes Ma'm'  the language of


'Yes Ma'm'  the language of slavery is disappearing, thank God

.. the kindest of 'owners' only underlines its horrors



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You wear laurel leaves not from any plant ripped