Paper dolls


Setting in darkness, seeing no light.

One thinks of time of no life.

You bring down your heart to see what's in side.

You find nothing but pain and death of those you once loved.

They still live, but your heart is gone for them.

You pull out the paper dolls of your love's, to see if they will burn.

Like they did once for you but you found them to be like the dolls.

Easily torn, easily burned, easily thrown away.

Paper yellowed from time, easily burned  and thrown from mind.

To forget my old love's is hard with time.

I wish to forget the pain and hurt but I'll burn the dolls so to never forget.

I close my heart just to find them back, yellow dolls in which to burn.

Thier never really gone the ones that died, their just now paper dolls in your mind, acting out the things they did, hurting you one more time like they did.