Keep Wondering...

Ashes to Ashes



Not Loyal...


and you wonder...

You want to know who I am?

I'm the guy who fell... again...

I'm the man who won't give up...

Am I giving up now? Nope

Just moving on...

to my next hope...

Fell once, fell twice, and I'll get up a third time...

I can fall really easily, give my all... and just love...

Try and try.... over and over...

There's a point...

Where you have to call a duck a duck

and just quit trying to knock down those walls.

It's like I said... It's just funny...

You find a girl... you fall in love with the girl

you show her your love and everything you have

you try and try to just give them what they want...

but in the end, maybe they are all the same...


but I won't give up...

I'll move on... like I have before... because...

Through all of it... I have faith...

If there is someone out there for me

I will find her...

Even if that means, she isn't you...

because... Life goes on...

I love you a lot...

but if you have to ask

if you have to think

then your not happy

and right now... It's not my problem

I've done all I could to try to make you happy

if you don't appreciate that... then what more can I do?

I can walk away...

but you'll wonder one day...

When your alone... not after me... after all the rest

You'll look back on your life and wonder...

Just like all the others...

"O he's just too confident"

... Yeah... keep telling yourself that

Author's Notes/Comments: 

If you don't appreciate what you have... Just Keep walking, Life went on before you, and it will go on long after your memory fades. Don't be upset... I'm only being real ;)

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