A Purpose Without A Purpose

A Purpose with no Purpose.


To live, To see, To breath in what we can not understand the knowledge of sight.

To see beyond the light of truth set from wrong which gives us the title “Thing” I don’t say human because. A human has purpose to see the wrong which divides us to the right-beyond our own knowledge to create something only to see it fail in the end. Left or right?

Which way will make the pain go away, so in the end what are we?


Eyes stay open while you dream or shut them down to free your mind, to escape reality climbing down the ladder of questions you have made up to find answers.


A cause with-out an effect at the end isn’t a cause nor a choice, but ‘A Purpose with-out a Purpose’ at all. To see this you must understand your intentions good or bad to see if it complies with the choice you made than it is was your purpose that was created to bring meaning.


Why must a purpose be created in the first place if can’t see beyond our choice of decision to ask questions that we can’t find answers to?


Is the true meaning to purpose is... Live, Love, Met, Happiness, Sadness, Feelings of an anomaly to ponder on how we came to be and why? or is it to live & die than it can be classified as.


~A Purpose with-out a meaning.


-A Purpose without a Purpose.


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