If I were from 70s

Loyalty is everything I dig you for,
One metre digged,

and if it's not found yet

I'll leave you there alone, digged.

Cause' some of those jerky soils
have already thrown their stones on me,

and left me there still.

Well the great soils, the loyal ones,

now have a new layer on them.

And they were alive in 70s.

The alive soils are sharp and hard,

their hands are for breaking hearts.

And they are still sharp.
Oh, I wanna born in 70s.

If I were from 70s,

my heart would have a smile,

my eyes would have glown

more brighter than the moon,

and I wouldn't have to survive

on this montaneous soil.
And my braqin would have been hibernating.

But no matter what happens,
I won't stop walking,
I will survive.
And try a treacherous path,
instead of the sugary path of 70s.
When the soil were soft until their death.

Now I see the soil
changing themselves for different places,

having tiles on them
that breaks us in a second.
Without any damage to the tiles and soils.
70 was perfection.

Sand castle, soil cakes and soil candies
are no more seen anywhere.
Yellow sky and fresh air
and that couple who were like forever.
Only if I were from 70s,
my way would have been easier. 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this when I got to know how mean and selfish and careless the world is today. But 1970-80 were just so awesome. Where one could find a kind person easily, where one could be trusted. 

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