What are we?

Her skin was like a delicate rose petal slowly drifting in the night breeze
Her cherry red lipped smile was like a million of flames lighting the gloom
Her agile movement described a noble swan, floating on the surface of the deep blue
Her hair, millions of amber threads dispersing in the cruel winds of this planet

A disgusting and vile world pestered by a multitude of wars raging on
Combat and pride taking over lives with blows of weaponry
The bitter stench of blood rising in the air
A world with pain and misery distributed through hostilities and warfare

A planet with plague and disease spreading throughout this greedy world
An arrow swimming through the air, just to insert itself and penetrate the skull of a rival
There she stands in the middle of all this envy and terror a beautiful maiden
Spreading hope and joy to people who have discovered true hell

Has this world lost all its hope?
Is there nothing we can do?
With destruction and grieve guiding us no penitence is going to be acquired
For we are alone in this persistent anguish

There a triumphant sound of drums a victor elected
War subsides peace finely brakes through
The emperor is not the only one who wanted the throne
Conspiracy is plotted do people see that true hatred is formed with death?

The whole cycle begins
A head held high above others
No one is trusted even friends in a matter of time may be converted into rivals
Why is nature so brutal? Does it have to be?

Just when my eyes start to water before my brothers’ dead body
A fine-looking woman took hold of my hand and with gentle words sooths my pain
So long you have waited to release this never ending wave of waxing soreness
It is time to make a stand

A man better than no other
A sword held tightly and a shield also in your grasp
The battle starts
When I give the command

I remember the days when my soul was free
Now I only bear the deaths of many people on my barks constantly bothering and pestering
My life has become a strenuous journey through torment and devastation
My time has come to an end the women that I loved has decapitated me, for I have become what I dreaded to be

I travel through earth right to the core
Flipping through my memories and of what I have become
The only sound I hear is the sound of a whip being slapped across my back
I now understand the meaning of hell; it is the torture of you having to look through your felonious crimes

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I spent a long time writing this poem, and I am only 13 so I hope you like it

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