Song * The Sweetest Days *

verse 1           you and i in this

                  moment holding the

                 night so close hanging

                 on so still unbroken

                 while outside the thun

                 der rolls listen now,

                 you can hear our heart

                 beat warm against life

                 's bitter cold these

                 are the days the sweet

                  est days we'll know .

2nd verse       these are the times that

               scare me we rattle the house

               like the wind both of us so

               unbending we battle the fear

               within all the while life is

               rushing by us hold it now and

               let go these are the days

              the sweetest days we'll know.


Verse 3       so well whisper a dream here

              in the darkness watching the

              stars till theyre gone and

              when even the memories have

              all faded away these days

                   go on and on         .

verse 4       listen now, you can hear our

              heartbeat hold me now and dont

              let go these days everyday is

              the sweetest days we'll know .

              this Song is Sung and Written

                  By Vanessa Williams

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this song is so pretty .

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