My Spirituality in Relation to My D/s Relationship

DaddyO's BDSM

by DaddyO

I was a late bloomer not only to this kinky life, but to sex itself, as I toiled in the confines of organized religion for 10 years of my early adult life. Some may spot the resentment and therefore must deal with my displeasure and agnostic skepticism of Christianity and other "spiritual" and "woo-woo" things both eastern and western.

I am an atheist hedonist, so when ancient deities, rituals other people have proclaimed as "the only way" and faith-based "morals" culled from religious texts begin to interfere with our relationship, it becomes more than problematic.


I derive great pleasure in pleasure, and for some, a relationship with what they feel is a "higher power" may accomplish that. It doesn't for me. For me, the D/s relationship and the high of sensual and sexual communion is the higher power and what should be given the devotion.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

2012, 2017 

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