by Jeph Johnson
I have known many wonderful people in my life who have been self-employed as escorts. Some even have been brazen enough to call themselves "prostitutes."
I have the utmost respect for each of these brave ladies and indeed consider their unbiased passion and insight into human compassion via empathetic touch and intimacy a special unique gift that most people are not capable of pulling off.
Most know who you are!
Sex work is more common than you think. I just counted 66 (yes sixty-six) people on my friends list who have worked either as escorts or done some sort of sex work in one of its many forms.
Indeed, many sexworkers are my heroes. Despite overwhelming odds and the hypocritical shame people from all sides of the political, religious and social spectrum have levied upon them, these people have harnessed their sexuality (and in most cases their femininity) to empower themselves to the highest of levels.
Let me say upfront that escorting in its truest form is not illegal. It simply is being someone's paid companion. Unfortunately there is very little demand for someone to simply escort another person without at least some expectation of intimacy.
Therefore all escorts will declare they are being paid ONLY for their time. Anything that may just happen to occur beyond that is simply an activity between two consenting adults.
So the law forces one to be dishonest. That can't ever be a very good thing, can it?
Unfortunately current U.S. law prohibits paying someone to have sex with you except in some rural areas of Nevada. Despite the prohibition, the sale of sex and sexuality (AKA "prostitution") is present in most parts of the country, in various forms.
The true legal escort is...
Arm Candy/A Paid "Date"
She is someone's date for the evening. Traditionally an escort who can survive solely in this role has a pretty face and is drop dead gorgeous from head to toe. She often can rely on her looks alone to garner her earnings.
This sort of escort is hired usually for a business function or to impress one's friends or colleagues. I would assume the "arm candy/date" sort of escorting would likely include some degree of questionably legal activities too. This sort of escorting is often referred to as GFE or Girlfriend Experience.
Theoretically a person could be an escort and not be physically intimate with any of the people they provide for. Common sense however, dictates this sort of provider will not be around very long. Therefore, most escorts also offer the following services along with their paid companionship:
The Full Body Sensual Massage escort utilizes caressing or any number of activities short of sex, including but not limited to "hand jobs."
These providers often work from massage parlors or lingerie modeling studios (AKA "whack shacks") or are employed as dancers and work out of the private rooms at strip clubs.
Some massage parlor-style escorts will provide you a sensual massage, often naked or with skin to skin contact (body on body), just short of it becoming sexual.
The threat of certain sexually transmitted diseases spread through PIV sex is also decreased with FBSM, so there is that added benefit.
Many lingerie model style escorts will dance or "model" for you while you masturbate (DIY: Do It Yourself).
Most places in the United States have laws against even touching another person in a sexual way, so despite the appearance of legal propriety, these activities are also illegal.
Most vice units however, turn the other way at this sort of indirect "sensual" touch, differentiating it from "sexual" touch, which tends to be more direct on the genital area. God forbid one receive pleasure THERE!
Full Service
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. At the very least, if someone is offering "Full Service" (FS), they are offering Penis in Vagina (PIV) sex.
If asked what "full service" means, the escort will tell you otherwise. In fact, no escort will admit to providing any intimacy, especially intimacy of a sexual nature, for fear of being arrested.
Unfortunately the vice laws often only require a woman to say the wrong words in order to be arrested, therefore there are code words and acronyms used to stealthily indicate what activities an escort does, may be willing to do or offerings an escort will provide. Here are a few:
Some escorts work for agencies that do your promotion and set up clients for you. They take a hefty cut of your earnings. The trade off here, is that depending on the professionalism of the escort service, you can likely be safer and have less likelihood of being ripped off or beat up.
In addition to agencies, most metropolitan regions in the U.S. have online review boards where independent providers and those being provided for (AKA "hobbyists") can review and keep everyone accountable. As well as reviews, ads, discussion forums and "warnings," these boards usually have links to different escorts' web pages, so photos of the escort can be seen as well as her rates and her availability can be found. These online forums provide safe places for escorts to converse and commingle with other escorts. It also allows them opportunities to get to know those they will be providing for before actually meeting up.
Unfortunately most laws are written to prohibit rather than protect sex work, so the motive behind these online forums is not so much competition, but instead to provide a place where they can have each other's back. Most escorts encounter the same hobbyists, have the same questions and go through a lot of the same obstacles.
This essay doesn't even begin to address the many other forms of admirable sex work available to people including:
Because of the questionable illegality of these occupations, many escorts avoid the burden of paying income tax. You've heard the term "sex sells?"
Then why the United States doesn't legalize and tax the very act of sex itself, seems beyond ridiculous!
Avoiding paying taxes is no real consolation, as escorts are never guaranteed work or a set wage, and do not get health insurance. They cannot unionize and face unsafe working conditions and diseases.
The only "taxation" that occurs is when one is arrested and forced to pay fines or serve jail time. This then gives the woman a criminal "record" and does nothing more than make the "legitimate job" that those who wish she would rather choose more difficult to acquire.
When it is illegal the only "regulation" is prohibition. This is not a solution. The less regulated a practice is, the more dangerous it becomes.
Thank goodness for the internet, for it has empowered many escorts to practice their occupations more safely.
Nonetheless, when Craigslist supposedly took the "moral ground" and eliminated allowing online ads for escorts, it likely drove many of them back onto the streets into potentially dangerous situations. No one (especially an escort) wants to see the pimp/hooker streetwalker stereotype played out in reality.
To all of the women who toil night in and night out providing for us men who lust for your attention and simply want to streamline the process of achieving that intimacy, I applaud you.