"Unless She Finds Forgiveness"

by Jeph Johnson


I didn't love her until I loved her
That wild November day
Running rings 'round my apartment
In her tee-shirt negligee,
When she promised me a promise
I knew she shouldn't make;
Her "I love you" so soon
May have been the first mistake.
But I believed her declaration
And made a wish upon a star;
Thanking heaven for the best
Woman my life had seen so far.
Because together time was precious
I cherished like a prize
Her humor, wit and confidence
And yes, her smiling eyes.
Twice before, when the wind
She had tossed her caution to,
Caused worried trepidation
She said we were through.
But both times she came back gently
And I held her to pretend
If we couldn't be true lovers
We could at least be truthful friends.
But this final time the flames
That had only flickered in her soul
Burned stronger than expected
Almost out of control!
And our friendship, I had figured,
Was flourishing right along-
Making music full of meaning
While torch singers sang our songs.
But this peak became our valley
When one fateful Friday night
Moods and expectations
Spilled over in a fight
And without a trace she left me
With a bittersweet aftertaste
Painted on my palate
That cannot be erased
Unless she finds forgiveness
In her heart for this poor man
Although I'll always love her
I will never understand

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for Twilla, 2002 

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