"Silver Eldorado"

Hillbilly Smiles

by Jeph Johnson


Her toes pitter-pattin' to the color-toned beat
Just toe-tappin' couldn't keep her in her seat
The band hits the chorus and she's off into his arms
I'm left sittin' here holdin' down the farm...


My eyes dartin' back and forth across the dance floor,
Watchin' them sneak their way out the back door.
He's leadin' her to a place I've never led
Into a silver Eldorado they drive up the road ahead...


Tell me where did they go in his silver Eldorado?


His car pitter-pattin' cruisin' up the dusty street,
Just two-steppin' couldn't satisfy her needs.
His foot hits the pedal as she snuggles closer still,
I'm left standin' here lookin' up the hill.


Tell me where did they go in his silver Eldorado?


I hop in my Ford and follow close behind,
Watchin' them make their way through the tall pines.
He's drivin' her to a place I've never gone;
In his silver Eldorado behind the ol' grey barn.


Tell me where did they go in his silver Eldorado?


My heart pitter-pattin' as they park his Cadillac.
Beatin' any faster I'd have had a heart attack!
Moonlight hits the windows, I can't hear the engine hum
I'm left cryin' here, heart pounding like a drum.


Tell me where did they go in his silver Eldorado?


Her toes pitter-pattin' to the color-toned beat
On his silver Eldorado's reclined velvet seat...


Tell me where did they go in his silver Eldorado?
Tell me where did they go in his silver Eldorado? (fade)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

circa 1995 

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