Heart Quake

Heartache quakes in my heart,

my lips tremble,

like tremors,

long after the heartache hits.

Rain pours through my eyes

like an ocean in a storm,

tasting bitterly of salt.

Why these tears?

With every aftershock,

I slowly die.

So quickly I've gone,

from paradise to disaster.

All because of love.

My heart now broken down,

to merely rubble and dust.

My soul ablaze in fire,

not even my flood of tears

could put out.

I will laugh never more,

I will cry never more.

The wind has numbed me,

as it picks up the ashes,

and sweeps me away into the fire,

that will burn for you forever.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 12-29-03

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