Untitled Improv

Improv 2003

Your hand rests in mine,

as we walk along the beach.

Not a words spoken,

since we got here.

It's nice to hear nothing,

but the sound of the waves,

gently crashing against the shore.

Silence can be just as beautiful,

as spoken words.

As the night gets colder,

and the sun starts setting,

we head home.

Still silent, but still happy.

We don't need words,

just to say I love you.

It's said in a kiss,

in the way you hold me,

or keep me warm when I'm cold.

It's in everything we do,

and don't do.

We'll always have a love for each other.

With each sunset I'll remember you.

With each crash of a wave,

I'll think of you.

And with each beat of my heart,

I'll love you.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 1-16-03. It's my 216th improv.

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