Consider This

If you live in a house,

even if it's a house you don't want,

and you have food,

even if it's food you don't like,

and you have water,


and shelter.

Consider this.

You could be living on the streets.

No home to call your own,

but a box

and some newspaper to keep you warm.

No food but scraps you've found in dumpsters,

in some ally way in town.

And no clothes,

but the clothes on your back,

which are worn.

Consider that.

If you have family and friends,

even ones you don't like,

the ones you hurt,

the ones you hate,

the ones you treat as though,

they are nothing to you,

even when they have done nothing,

but help you.

Consider this.

You could have no family,

no friends,

no one to confide in.

No one to call when times get tough.

No one to comfort the sadness in your soul.

No one but yourself.

Consider that.

Consider everything.

Because it could be much worse.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 2-20-03. And I hate it... lol

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