I have a cabin,
that lies in the woods.
Surrounded by trees,
and nature fair.
Lets escape,
to this cabin in the woods.
Where we can be alone,
in solitude.
Just each other,
and the birds.
While they chirp,
and make their music,
we’ll be making our own.
Flying high with passion.
Souring in each others souls.
The fire burns,
but it’s within us.
I feed your fire with kisses,
you feed mine with your touch.
By morning light,
I could feel your heartbeat,
on my chest.
I could feel the rise and fall,
of your chest,
as you breathe.
I gaze into your eyes,
gently kiss your soft sweet lips,
and softly whisper,
I love you.
We spark a fire,
to burn again,
in the cabin in the woods.
~*~ Jill ~*~