Loves Alphabet.

August 2002 Poetry

Adoring one another.

Being there for one another.

Cherishing one another.

Desire for one another.

Emotional for one another.

Feeling one another.

Giving to one another.

Helping one another.

Ideal for each other.

Join one another.

Kissing one another.

Loving one another.

Missing one another.

Nurturing one another.

One with each other.

Protecting one another.

Quiet time with one another.

Recognizing one another.

Sharing one another.

Trusting one another.

Understanding one another.

Vitalize one another.

Wanting one another.

X-citing one another.

Yearning for one another.

Zestful passion for one another.

These are our ABC’s.

Won’t you spend your life with me?

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 8-14-02.

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