Killing You Inside

July 2002 Poetry

I can sense the pain.

You’re holding everything in.

Blocking your tears,

with pride.

You’ll look weak,

if you break down.

You have to be strong.

You have to be tough.

You’re a man,

not a baby.

But the pain…

the pain is unbearable.

It’s eating away at you.

Consuming your soul.

Devouring what you once knew,

as love.

And it will keep doing so,

unless you open up,

and release what’s eventually,

going to kill you inside.

You heart will die,

but still beat.

You’ll feel nothing,

and become nothing.

Unless you just…. release.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 7-1-02.

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