When We Make Love

Improv 2002

The scent of you,

and the scent of me,


as we make love,

into the night.

Soft sighs,

and gentle whispers,

fill the room,

till we collapse,

in each others arms,

awaiting morning’s light.

The beauty of love,

amazes me.

How two people,

can share so much,

and share each other,

in one night,

and my more thereafter.

I long for you,

at days end.

I long to feel what we share,

when we make love.

Our souls merge.

Our hearts beat as one,

we are one,

we think as one,

feel as one,

when we make love.

It’s an endless cycle,

we’ll share for life.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 6-19-02. It's my 164th improv. Again, another one that's not an actual event, the topic was given to me so I just went with the flow.

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