No Rules, No Limits

Improv 2002

I wake in the morning,

sunlight dances,

across your face.

Lying next to you,

with my arm over your chest.

Our bare skin,

warm to each other.

I think on the past night,

what love we shared.

I remember everything.

The sweet smell of love we made.

The feel of your warm breath on my neck,

and the feel of your racing heart,

to mine.

We made love,

all night.

Now it’s morning,

and we both know what we did,

was so wrong,

but felt so right.

Rules were meant to be broken.

But there are no rules in love.

No limits,

no boundaries.

Just love,

and that’s just what we did.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 6-19-02. It's my 163rd improv. Not an actual event, just something that came to mind in the improv chat when it was my turn.

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