Long Days, Short Nights

Improv 2002

Days are long,

and nights seem to be so short.

But with you,

we can make the nights,

last even longer than day.

Soft candle light,

burning with passion,

as do we.

You lie me down,

on this bed of rose pedals.

Soft to my skin,

kissing me gently,

and I take you in.


we make a rhythmic melody.

Soft sighs in the night,

a chorus.

I lay in your arms,

till morning light.

Love can be shared in so many ways,

at any time,

but at night,

is when it’s shared most.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 5-18-02. It's my 136th improv. Not only was I given a topic on this one, but a request on what it should be about. You take a guess on what that would be.. lol.

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