
It took all my strength,

to love him.

I tried so hard,

to get love in return.

And when it was over,

all that was left,

was pain and lies.

Powerless to stop it,

and the tears that fell.

I felt so bad,

when I first met you.

All you did,

was love me.

Yet I had no strength left,

from the past,

to build love for you.

I let the past creep over me.

But you didn’t give up on us.

You kept loving me,

and waited for my returning love,

for which I have finally given.

And these leftover feelings,

are now gone.

My strength returning,

my tears,

kept to a minimum,

Because now I can finally say,

I love,

and am loved,

in return.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 2-15-02.

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