
Improv 2002

You have finally gone

and left town today

I don't miss you and never will

what more do I have to say?


You put me through so much hell

You caused me so much pain

with all the lies and put downs

that almost drove me insane


I couldn't bear to live with you

you're too damn hard to please

Nothing I did was ever right

as I begged forgiveness on my knees


Finally someone realized

and saw my unhappiness

After all, all I talked about

was my undying haplessness


I got some help, I have moved on

from your burning, living hell

This angel got her wings today

when the toll rang from the bell

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 6-11-02. It's my 158th improv. Just uselss rambling......... as usual.....

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