For Tibby

2001 Poetry

Sitting here

at the kitchen table,

making a wish

upon the endless clouded sky.

No time to wait,

for the stars to shine.

And no time to wait,

for them to fall.

This wish I make,

is for you.

So you'll finally be happy again.

And so you will smile.

The sadness in your face,

makes the clouds roll in,

and the rain start to fall.

Like your tears.

But when you smile.

The clouds roll on by,

the sun comes out,

and it brightens the day.

To bring happiness to you,

would bring happiness to me.

Knowing that I helped you

become the happy girl,

you once were.

So I wish I may,

wish I might,

have this wish,

I wish for you,


~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 7-12-01. A good friend of mine was feeling low and it made me sad so I wrote this for her.

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