A Memory Box

A memory box,

sits on my shelf,

filled with things,

that mean something to me,

that hit a special place,

in my heart.

There’s a teddy bear from my uncle,

I got on my birthday.

Two necklaces hand made,

from two girls I consider,

my own sisters.

A scrapbook,

filled with family,

and friends,

both here,

and gone.

There’s poems,

there’s songs.

All special to me.

All holding a memory,

I’ll never forget.

The only thing I can’t fit,

in my special memory box,

that’s most important to me,

is you.

That’s okay,

I need you around anyways!

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 9-22-02.

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