No One Home

My house,

is empty.

Not a footstep to be heard.

No one’s home,

and we’re alone.

It’s late,

we should sleep.

You lie on the couch,

I, on my bed.

I feel so far away,

so distant from you.

I can’t sleep,

I’m so cold.

So I get up,

and lie with you,

on the couch.

Your eyes open,

you kiss me softly,

and the thought that no one’s home,

runs through both our minds.

We couldn’t help,

what happened next.

Our bodies so close,

the taste of our lips together,

and our hands,

on each other.

How could I resist?

No one’s home,

the moment,

just right,

so what are we waiting for?

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 9-22-02. Don't ask.. I don't know where I got this from.. I just wrote it. lol

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