No Turning Back

Feelings Inside...

I am a human and a monster

Passionate yet mad

I am the predator and the prey

Seeking and destroying,hiding out of fear

I am loved and I am hated

My greed outways my heart

Odd yet normal for a soul like mine.

Schizophrenic, yet strangely wise and Authentic

My burning desire to be loved by all

and my "dream come true" to find deep love

If only one thing I could teach the world

it would be:"Don't conform and be another lemming.

Individuality is not a bad word."

My deep dark secret:I have helped kill

and in some ways,I have already murdered a part of myself.

I finally have a grip on life

and no longer find it a waste of time

succeeding is my mission, but I'm scared

of letting myself down.

I crave Anarchy

and see myself as "the Captain of my fate"

If ultimatly,I achieve nothing,

I will have had no purpose.

If never I reach out and heal by human touch,

no one will remember my love.

I see nature and I cry

I live for the moment, and I die

Abuse to my mind is my only regret.

I take back no words and make no promises.

I believe in fate and make my own

I soley trust in no one

and hunger for a life I control

At times I'm uncertain, but know what I want

and no human can stand in my way.

I make my own choices

I decide for myself

Strong,yet also weak

Relying on no one but Shay,

I stand alone

All of me.

and I appreciate who I am

I have been a failure, and since then I have learned

and I have grown.

Into the person I will always be.

I see the future far from now with only one thought in mind:

There's no turning back now.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Believe in what you become.

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