Those Irish Boys

I guess it's these Irish guys that get me.

Their brown eyes,

Their sweet smiles,

They get the best of me.

Some have that inviting personality,

Those glistening eyes,

A kind, gentle voice.

Nevermind how sweet they can be--

Sugar-coated, almost.

There's just something in them.

Something catches me head-over-heels,

Never fails to weaken my knees.

I could almost melt at the sight of him.

Barely getting to know him makes me fall even deeper.

Once you do,

Too late to turn back.

The whirlpool of green, white, orange,

And some sparkly love

Caught you.

In the mix with no escape.

Ready to go on a date?

They're offering...

But gurl you gotta flirt the right way

Or else

No questions will be asked.

Those sweet brown eyes

Dark brown hair

Warm white smile...

Damn, it's just those Irish boys that get me.

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