I Think You're Gone

I think it's all over.

I think it's done.

I'm almost certain you're leaving for good.

And as I sit here crying, all that I can think about is you.

I don't know if there's been a time in the past 7 months or even my 15 years of existence when I've been this scared.

Nothing has ever changed or shaken me the way you have.

In some ways good, in others bad.

But nothing has ever amounted to the fear I have inside of me right this minute.

When you said you really had to think, I figured right then and there that we were done.

My heart pounded and raced and I felt my world crumble.

I'm afraid you really have no comprehension of how dear I hold you to me and how much you mean in my life.

If you ever left me I don't think my life would ever be the same--ever.

I'm just realizing now how difficult this is to write to find the words to describe my true feelings for you.

And with you gone, what would I be?

Not too much as far as I'm concerned.

But my prayer for tonight is that God may hold us in his hands and guide us together safely.

Because the last words I'll say to you?

I love you.

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