Test of Faith

I am so close to the edge, I can feel myself starting to fall. Everyone and everything has backed me up into a corner and there is no escape. No time to think, no time to breathe, no time to heal. It's like a wall of frustration is crumbling down on me and I am trapped. I am scratching, and pawing, and kicking and screaming to get out but to no prevail. I look up and ask WHY? Why choose me to suffer when I have done nothing but good? Why choose to burden me when I have enough to deal with already? I know this is a test. A test of faith. Let's see if I will break. Let's see if I can climb over that wall of the devil. But unfortunately Lord, I feel I can't make it. I don't believe I can overcome these obstacles. They are winning and I am slowly falling to my defeat. I hear your voice but just can't seem to follow and make my way through. Please help me because I am no longer able to make it in this battlefield. Hear my cries and and take my hand. Pull me through Lord, pull me through.  

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sometimes God does things that you may not understand. But what we have to realize is that it's not made for us to understand, it's made for us to embrace and learn it. That is a test of our faith and commitment to the Lord. Yea, it may seem like the world is against you, but like the Bible says, "If you kneel to God, you can stand up to anything". Remember, God works in mysterious ways...

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