The Doomed Man


There was a man who went to Hell

He didn't even believe in the Lord

He had another idol he believed in well

But paid a price he couldn't afford

He told people that Heaven didn't exist

He told them he didn't believe in Hell

But he died, and wasn't on God's List

And found that it was the truth that they did tell

He tried to tell God it wasn't his fault

That he had been taught differently

He tried to enter Heaven, but was stopped at a hault

Jesus said "Do not proceed, you didn't believe in me."

The man said, "But Lord, I do now, please let me in!"

Jesus said, "I'm sorry, you were not washed away of sin"

"But Lord!" said the man, "I did not know"

And Jesus said, "Everyone is told, not all believe, though."

"Lord, how do I make it up to you?" said the man.

Jesus replied, "There is no way you can"

"Please, Lord, give me a chance," said he

Jesus said, "You had your chance to believe on me"

"Lord, where will I go? Please do tell"

Jesus replied sadly, "You will be cast into Hell"

"But Lord! I was never even taught of this place!"

"Yes you were, but you refused the Road of Grace"

"Lord! I want to be with You in Heaven with Peace!"

Jesus said, "You have chosen to be in darkness and fear"

"But I was of different Religion, let me through, PLEASE!"

"I'm sorry, poor soul, you must leave here"

"Why didn't I end up where I was taught of?" asked the man

Jesus replied, "It was a made-up land"

"Then why wasn't I warned?" the doomed man cried

"You were warned by a Christian friend, but you declined"

"But Lord, I'm so young, I thought I really tried!"

"You didn't have to try, just to believe" Jesus replied

"But Lord, why did you make me die?"

"You could have had Eternal Life," Jesus sadly sighed

"Now, young man, I do not know you, please leave my side"

"But I don't want to go to Hell!" the man sobbed and cried

Jesus pointed down and said, "Now leave!

Hell is the place you will proceed"

That is the story of the man doomed to Hell

Tomorrow may be too late

Don't be the next sad story to tell

Pray right now to be Saved!

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