HIM *****TRIGGER****

It started out innocent a bump here and there

oops sorry i didnt see you standing there

then the hugs got longer the stares became peircing and the touches became to much to bare

one night while sleeping laying upon my back

i was flipped over huge hands around my neck they were wrapped

if you move i'll kill you is whispered in my ear

couldnt move if i wanted to held hostage by the fear  

the tears crept slowly but no sound will anyone hear

as my belongings are ripped from my body i cringed in fear

my body feels like im being split in to

as he enters my body i dont know what to do

im only eleven i say

but he continues with the burning and tearing anyway

unable to cope with whats happening to me

i close my eyes wishing he wasnt doing this how could this be  

praying to be outside of my skin

praying and wishing please let this be the end  

i hear him grunt and he squeezes my neck hard

i cant breathe to say the least

again i am flipped to face the beast

you liked it didnt you

you wanted me didnt you  

afraid to say no i answer yes

the beast threw me my clothes told me to wash and get dressed and to keep my mouth shut if i knew what was best

he left my room with a grin  on his face  

this day from my memory will never be erased

i lay there unable to move

the end of his wrath would not come soon

after a while i stood my blood and his semen crept down my thigh

needless to try and  count the tears i cried

many nights he would return to his feast

which is why i called him the beast

after the depart of his return

my whole body burned

i cry silent tears

more times then the ones you can hear

sexually dysfunctional

cant be touched with out the stagment memories of him that rise to the surface  cutting my emotions deep

yet noone understands why i weep

how can you erase such vile memories from your mind

as if you chose to live the life of the lost

and become employed with shame and fear as your boss

to the world i am upright standing tall  

yet they wonder why doesnt she speak at all speak

only when spoken to is how i live

fearing the crack in my voice might somehow give way to the fear and shamefulness inside

in my mind i just wanna hide  

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