Running from myself


The anger that was embedded in me has led me to a life of trouble.

So it’s easy for me to look in your eyes shoot you and say “I love you”

All at the same time, I’m losing my mind.

I have to get a grip,

But every time I find my balance, mentally I slip.

I have to get a handle,

But every time you look at me I begin to dismantle.

I see myself falling apart because of these feelings I hold.

I’m sure you would’ve run away if I had ever told.

Can’t take much more of this downward spiral that has taken over me,

Please wake me up, there’s no peace when I sleep.

Nothing seem to tranquilize me,

My mind is its own asylum, and the thoughts that I keep.

You put me in a dark hole and had no idea how it felt.

You left me there and I had one thought, why were these the cards

I was dealt?

The whispers I heard got louder until it seemed like painful screams.

I couldn’t escape them, not even in my dreams.

This time they would chase me the more I ran and hid.

They made me feel helpless in the same way you did.

I tried to fight back but every time I was defeated,

Mentally and emotionally drained, I was feeling depleted.

I came back to this emptiness, there I was standing alone.

Those voices I heard so haunting were actually my own.

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