
By Karyn Indursky
A high price in life is maturity.
Yet, people strive for it like it's a gem.
It's not worth a lot, though.
People may be better off not being coerced into maturity.
The problem is to get maturity things have to be lost
at great expenses.
Some things would be better to clutch on to.
Whoever made up the invisible grid lines of immaturity to
maturity was being selfish.
Unfortunately, people won't discontinue this vicious cycle.
Freedom to be fantasizing, setting goals without "reality,"
laughing without concern, embracing new experiences and people,
etc. vanquish into thin air.
Restrictions confine the inner beings of people.
To be mature can be like selling a person's soul for
guaranteed safety.
Sometimes, being immature is worth being shunned instead
of having the problems of maturity's cost.