

By Karyn Indursky



Behind the register I stand, 
meeting demand after demand. 
It's robotic... 
greet the customer, scan the products, bag, 
put the bag(s) in the cart, take their money, 
tell them how to run their card, 
check their card, remind them what's needed for a check, 
etc., and then one transaction's over. 
It runs fast and vigorous until it's time 
for that price check, UPC number, SKU number, carry 
out, etc. 
Time runs rapidly, making the customers antsy 
and there goes their tempers as if it's my fault 
or something. I'm in charge of myself, their order, etc., 
but I don't control my coworkers and managers. 
By the end of the day, I'm more than willing to go 
home, but what makes me come back are those few 
nice customers, who remind me it's not so bad to be 

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