

By Karyn Indursky



Death brings out the selfishness in people. 
People get so stuck on wanting and or needing a person 
that they forget what's best for the person. 
It's not easy calling the shots on such an important 
decision about another person's life, but that doesn't mean
we should get self absorbed in our own sorrows to 
the point of having someone live on for us instead of 
for themselves. 
Finding out all the available information 
is quite helpful, but it's also imperative to apply 
that new found knowledge. 
Consulting physicians and other people 
(both in and out of the medical profession) 
is extremely wise. 
When animals realize that another animal is dying, 
they let that animal die when they feel it's right. 
So, let's be like them and lose the selfishness.

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