By Karyn Indursky
I know what you're doing...
I'm seeing it all too clearly.
I don't want to stroke your ego day after day.
I don't want to smell in cigarettes or watch you smoke it.
I don't want to watch you drink and drive or get drunk.
I don't want to hear you tell me what's wrong with me.
I don't want to hear you say one thing, but show me different.
I don't want to be kept being pushed away.
I don't want to only be here when it's convenient.
I don't want to feel this pain in my body.
I don't want to shed these tears.
I don't want to hear your voice in my head.
I don't want to think about your touch.
I don't want to smell things that remind me of you.
I don't want to be going through this.