


By Karyn Indursky



I sat beside you when needed me the most 
and told you of a love so grand as I held your hand. 
I tried to tell you of God while ridding you 
of your hate and pain from the deceit you brought 
upon yourself by not being true. 
I tried to show you the error of your ways 
and how to fix them. 
I tried to show you how much you're loved 
and how it's all heart felt. 
I tried to touch you with my heart and soul 
by caressing your hand and being strong 
while you sat there crying. 
I lent you my shoulder and, yes, it was wet and cold, 
but I loved every minute of it because I was consoling you. 
You determine the outcome of your life and what you do. 
Don't lose hope or give up because deep down you are a survivor.

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