
By Karyn Indursky
I remember the night at the party clearly.
It seems like only yesterday, but it wasn't.
There were things that I never got to tell you after
that night.
Now, I'm going to give you a piece of my mind.
Listen up, even though you didn't before.
Maybe, you can learn something and grow up.
\It's not all right or okay to...toy with my heart,
play with my emotions, lie to me, make yourself
look innocent when you're not, act as though
nothing happened, pretend like you don't know me
anymore, have me look like the "bad guy",
use me to get to someone else, screw with
my feelings, play head games, think you're better
than everyone else, lie to get others to be on
your side, talk the talk without walking the walk,
act one way around others for a show and go on to
act entirely different with me later, give me
false compliments, and, most importantly, be honest
instead of using lies in your behavior, and lines.