
Internal Investigations
Karyn 02/06/2009
Authors Comments: My answers are faith, hope, and potential of being rewarded with a "thank you" or compliment down the road. If you disagree or have your own thoughts, feel free to share.
Where's the incentive
to help someone
who doesn't recognize
you're assisting?
Where's your incentive
to help someone
who doesn't appreciate
what you currently do?
Where's my incentive
to help someone
who doesn't value
my internal worth?
Where's the incentive
to help someone
too busy depicting flaws
instead of giving praise?
Where's your incentive
to help someone
who doesn't see
the good you do?
Where's my incentive
to help someone
who doesn't desire change,
but expects me to?
Where's the incentive
to help someone
who can't take time
to say, "Thanks," or "You're welcome?"
Where's your incentive
to help someone
who doesn't see
your essence of being?
Where's my incentive
to help someone
who is blinded by perspective
and unable to see me?