
Karyn Indursky
A chance of a life time
would have to be
the opportunity
to take your hand
and run with you
into the forest
where our spirits
can drift freely
for eternity.
Maybe, once this run
into the call of the wild
has begun,
we can embrace
for a moment to exchange
a tender loving friendly hug
or maybe when our hearts
drift together and beat
to the same rhythm
we can take it a step further
and let that hug
turn into holding
one another for
a chance of a life time.
Maybe, we can let our hearts
soar free
with our spirits
as our bodies
collide to share
an eternity
of friendship and love
of each other because
friends are more important
than the men and women
we seek for dating, marriage, children,
and what not because
they actually stay with us
through it all
at any time of day or night.
Let us travel
this journey
of friendship in life
together and let our worries
get lost in the wind for
a chance of a life time.